PhpMyNewsLetter 2.0

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#1 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » How to process bounces? » 11-01-2020 20:26:37

Thanks Arnaud

But for some reason the system don't have any bounce:


And on the fifth button i see this:

While I was sendding the campaing, at the email account setted for bounces arrived 30 bounces aprox (those bounces are unread on the email account yet). Something is wrong. What can I check or modify to solve this issue?
When I test the Gestions > Global configuration > Returns management all work's fine:
Connexion réussie : {}INBOX,,**************

#2 Ask, report or enjoy... » How to process bounces? » 11-01-2020 20:26:37

Réponses : 3

Hi again smile

I have setted the Returns management section and tested thouse settings, all fine here. But I don't kwon when the system will process the bounces emails. Do I need setup something else??
How could I run the bouncess procesessing?

Thanks inm advance for your help to clarify this for me.

#4 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » [Résolu] How to recover a campaing in progress? » 10-01-2020 18:03:36

Thanks a lot Arnaud.

I have tried your indications and I have received the following message: "Warning: 422 registered haven't received this information Click here to return to those registered !".

Then I have clicked there, but the campaing is sending the message to all subscribers again (I have 500 in total). The system is started form subscriber 0 again (including the susbscribers that already receive the message before).  sad

#5 Ask, report or enjoy... » [Résolu] How to recover a campaing in progress? » 10-01-2020 18:03:36

Réponses : 5

I was sending a campaing and I have closed (for error, in middle of sending) my web navegator. So, how could I recover the last campaing that was in progress?

I will appreciate your prompt help.

#6 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Cronjob » 08-01-2020 19:09:08

Thanks Arnaud.

I'm ussing a CentOS Shared hosting (Hostgator).

Do you have any idea When will be available the 2.0.6 version?

Thanks a lot for your help.

#7 Ask, report or enjoy... » Cronjob » 08-01-2020 19:09:08

Réponses : 3

PhpMyNewsLetter 2.0.5 needs setup a cronjob to send scheduled messages or proccess bounces?

If there, could you show me the command to setup it please?

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