PhpMyNewsLetter 2.0

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Toutes les réponses à mes questions qui sont sans retour de votre part seront considérées comme résolues !

#1 31-07-2020 15:15:22


Cannot upload images

Hi Arnaud

I am trying to load images, by dragging and dropping, or by clicking and browsing and I get a "forbidden" error. Screenshot attached.

I have reloaded (Ctrl-F5), logged out and in, but still the same.

Any ideas?


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#2 31-07-2020 17:55:45


Re : Cannot upload images

What the extension of this pic ?
Maybe this is a corrupted pic.
Second solution : Have you a special directive for /upload/ in your apache conf ?
Anyway, could you send me the picture to be sure this is not corrupted ?

Je prends le temps de créer un outil pour tous, de niveau professionnel, mais simple !
Il n'est pas encore parfait, soyez indulgents, ça vient...
Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas ! Mais soyez précis pour une réponse plus rapide  wink

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#3 11-08-2020 08:57:18


Re : Cannot upload images

Hi Arnaud
Apologies for slow reply but attached are the 3 images

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#4 11-08-2020 09:34:14


Re : Cannot upload images

OK, pics are correct.
So please, have you something special about /upload/ in your htaccess or httpd.conf ?
Your version is 2.0.5 for phpmynewsletter.
Are you on shared server or dedicated server ?
And please, go in global conf, Environment, and set Environment to Development. Retry to upload picture, and give me the message.
I really think that's a htaccess problem

Je prends le temps de créer un outil pour tous, de niveau professionnel, mais simple !
Il n'est pas encore parfait, soyez indulgents, ça vient...
Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas ! Mais soyez précis pour une réponse plus rapide  wink

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#5 10-05-2021 15:22:03


Re : Cannot upload images

Hi Arnaud
My apologies for not closing this off. I got busy with other work and did not have time to complete it.
I did some research and it is a modsec error in the tinyMCE uploader due to cross-domain security issues. The server blocks the ../../../../images addressing. I have overcome this (for now) by hard-coding the images location in the upload config file. Not elegant nor ideal but gets the solution working again.
Thanks for your support and ideas.

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