PhpMyNewsLetter 2.0

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#1 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Cannot upload images » 10-05-2021 15:22:03

Hi Arnaud
My apologies for not closing this off. I got busy with other work and did not have time to complete it.
I did some research and it is a modsec error in the tinyMCE uploader due to cross-domain security issues. The server blocks the ../../../../images addressing. I have overcome this (for now) by hard-coding the images location in the upload config file. Not elegant nor ideal but gets the solution working again.
Thanks for your support and ideas.

#2 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Cannot upload images » 10-05-2021 15:22:03

Hi Arnaud
Apologies for slow reply but attached are the 3 images

#3 Ask, report or enjoy... » Cannot upload images » 10-05-2021 15:22:03

Réponses : 4

Hi Arnaud

I am trying to load images, by dragging and dropping, or by clicking and browsing and I get a "forbidden" error. Screenshot attached.

I have reloaded (Ctrl-F5), logged out and in, but still the same.

Any ideas?


#4 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Missing Message Box » 05-04-2020 14:33:07

php version 7.2.4 localhost and linux

Ah, the errors pointed the way. TinyMCE was looking for en_US.js in the lang folder, but this was not there. So I copied en_GB.js to en_US.js and voila it works!

Thanks you for the guidance...I shall now test further and will surely let you know what happens.


#5 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Missing Message Box » 05-04-2020 14:33:07

At this stage all I am trying to do is compose a message, I do not intend to send from a Windows environment. However I cannot get the classical editor to open in any environment.

I have now set my localhost to http://localhost and newsletter/, and I get the same error

On the linux webserver, I have set Base URL as, and Path of phpMyNewsletter to newsletter/, and still I get the classical editor box appear for 1 second and then disappear as the page completes loading.

Any further ideas Arnaud?


#6 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Missing Message Box » 05-04-2020 14:33:07

Hi Arnaud
I have downloaded as you suggested from and re-installed.

When I try to use the Classical editor, I now get this error (on localhost. On the production server the errors are suppressed but I still get no message editing textarea):

My configuration is:

Any ideas?


#7 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Missing Message Box » 05-04-2020 14:33:07

Hi Arnaud

I have checked my production site and removed the final /, with no change in behaviour:

And my development environment on my local PC:

I made no change to development on localhost

Any further guidance?


#8 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Missing Message Box » 05-04-2020 14:33:07

Hi Arnaud,
Thanks for your quick response. I have checked the source for the compose page and confirmed all .js links are present. I had to add "I18N_LNG"=>"en_US" to the english.php array to pick up the language file but this made no difference.

The whole structure is exactly as per the download.

Looking at the source in Firefox Developer Tools, I note that the text area is hidden: <textarea name="message" id="redac" rows="20" cols="70" style="visibility: hidden;">

Following the id='redac', I have single stepped through the code from the line containing tinymce.init({ at line 191 in compose.php

When the code breaks at tinymce.init, the textarea is visible. However when I step onto the </script> tag from line 328 in compose.php, it disappears.

I have checked the skin and all the .js seems accessible.

This is happening on localhost and my planned production site.

I appreciate any further guidance, thank you in advance!

#9 Ask, report or enjoy... » Missing Message Box » 05-04-2020 14:33:07

Réponses : 11

Hi, I'm trying v2.05

When I try to create a message using the classical editor, the message box flashes up then disappears, as the page loads.

Anything I should check?


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