PhpMyNewsLetter 2.0

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#1 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Send campaign button is not activated » 01-02-2017 08:53:23


I do not know how to send the campaign, at the moment of saving it does nothing, it does not enable the buttons!! sad  sad  sad  sad  sad  sad  sad

#4 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Send campaign button is not activated » 01-02-2017 08:53:23

I already created the contacts, create list already configure the SMPT, and adjust as you told me but still not working!!! sad  sad  sad  sad  sad  sad

#5 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Send campaign button is not activated » 01-02-2017 08:53:23

I already did this but the button is still disabled, there is another solution for this  sad  sad  sad  sad

#6 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Send campaign button is not activated » 01-02-2017 08:53:23


My problem is that I can not send emails, the buttons are disabled!!! hmm     
It will be a configuration problem

#9 Ask, report or enjoy... » Send campaign button is not activated » 01-02-2017 08:53:23

Réponses : 18

Good day: I have inconveniently wing hour of sending a campaign the button to visualize it is not activated. I am grateful for his help hmm

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