PhpMyNewsLetter 2.0

Support et annonces PhpMyNewsLetter.

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Pour me permettre de mieux vous aider au mieux, merci d'être le plus précis possible en donnant :
- la version de phpmynewsletter utilisée
- votre hébergement : personnel, dédié, mutualisé
- votre hébergeur (OVH, free, Infomaniak, 1and1,...)
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- version de PHP (5.3, 5.6, 7.0, hhvm...)
Toutes les réponses à mes questions qui sont sans retour de votre part seront considérées comme résolues !

#2 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Hello Arnaud.

I checked the github links you gave me. I've downloaded the file on the Téléchargement (Version courante : V.2.0.3 du 18/01/2016) website, but it seems to me it is the same file I've downloaded on februar 05 2015. The unzipped file date is the same 24.11.2014 06:52.

So I know I have the wrong file. Is there a 2.0.4 zip file?

#3 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

wink  Happy new year.
My laptop had 2 recoveries. 30/31 dec was the first one, but at the end it didn't work because of an Win7 update. It wouldn't reboot anymore. And then I left the bloody machine in the corner. The second recovery I did on friday 8 jan on my day off, and now the bloody machine is working again. I didn't use all Win7 updates this time.

Any news on the new 2.0.4 version?


#5 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Hi there,

I can't wait for it. Yes more languages is a good idea... I think I will try to transelate it into Dutch (if not someone else is doing it first).


#6 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21


As you didn't answer on my last post in may, i'm kinda worried..
Are you ok?


#7 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Hopefully you had a nice holiday.

Yes I mean the website and

It is all French, and google translater sucks big time....  In my ground school years (1974-1979) we had only english lessons, and later at 12 or 13 years old we had to choose german or french. Ich habe Deutsch gewählt. So I learned German. Now I wish I learned more then Dutch, English and German..
I should have learned french too, and italian of Spanish....

Now it is to late, I'm almost 47 and can't get a new language in my head.. Believe me, I tried last year with italian but somehow I can't get it done.

Have a nice evening..
Talk to you later.

#8 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Hello my friend... How are you? Any news from your project? I really hope you make your website also in other languages. So I can read it too wink

#9 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Hello Arnaud,

Yes, I unserstand what you're saying.
I'm looking forward to it..


#10 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Bon jour Arnaud,

Sorry for asking, maybe the answer is already in the French section, but here we go..
How far are you with the newer version? Will it be like 2.03 or will it be multilanguage?

I'm somehow excited and looking forward....  ops

Have a nice day.


#11 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Maybe I  should wait for the next version..
Yesterday I was giving up on version 2.0.3, because I have the flu, and was very tired.
Then I got the idea about this short_open_tag setting on the server.

So decided to try again with 0.8b5 and voila, it runs again....
So the problem was not the php version the server renewed but the short_open_tag setting.

Oh well, for now I can use your great program again, and use the old 0.8b5 version.

Today alone at work must be great. Nobody is telling you what to do, or nagging all the time..

Have a great weekend Arnaud.

à bientôt


#12 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21


It took me a lot of time (I don't speak french, and had to translate it all).
With installing I choose Netherlands, but the program was french/dutch. So I had to translate a lot.
Somehow the translation in the program doens't work. After clicking on finish the program said that installing went well.
Then I opened the program with the dutch language, but somehow the language inside is half french half english.


Maybe i can translate and change the language file.

#13 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Theye put it on, and told me how to do it.... And now the install.php is working so far...

I'm going to try to install... Wish me luck wink

#14 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Ah, in phpinfo it says indeed short open tag OFF. I will contact my server...

Directive             Local Value    Master Value

short_open_tag      Off                      Off

When they decide not put it on, means I can't use your newsletter program?

#15 Re : Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

I must ask my serverprovider if they can open it (if it is closed, I have no idea) en phpinfo.php is a loooooooong list of information.

I can give you the link with phpinfo.php in a PM if you like?

#16 Ask, report or enjoy... » Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in » 24-01-2016 15:43:21

Réponses : 26

Hello sir,

My name is Rene, and I am Dutch. I was working with your phpmynewsletter 0.8 beta5. But suddenly I can't use it anymore because of php5  I guess...
Then today I found myself lucky because i found your website where you offer a newer version 2.0.3.

But as I get a fatal error with installing (PhpMyNewsLetter Fatal error: Call to undefined function translate() in /home/vhosts/  on line 68) it seems that I can't solve this problem by my own.

So I thought let's join your support forum because you have a french solution. But somehow I can't sort it out. sad

Arnaud a écrit :

Le message fatal error: call to undefined function translate() in install.php on line 50 peut apparaître lors de l'installation de PhpMyNewsLetter.

En fonction de votre hébergeur et si vous avez accès au php.ini de votre service php, modifier le paramètre short_open_tag ainsi.
puis relancer le serveur web.

si vous utilisez php-fpm, il vous faudra ajouter
php_value[short_open_tag] =  On
dans votre fichier www.conf (ex : /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf)

Ou encore, vous pouvez toujours essayer d'utiliser le .htaccess de votre hébergeur pour lui passer la directive php suivante :
php_value short_open_tag 1
Relancer votre serveur web.
(NB : ceci ne fonctionnera que si l'hébergeur a laissé active cette fonctionnalité).

Je vous invite à autoriser les short tags, cette fonctionnalité étant toujours supportée en php 5.4, et peut être plus... A suivre !

Is there another way you could help me sort this install problem out? Merci.

Regards from a dutchie who is desperate in finding answers about this fatal error..


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